Saturday, 28 June 2008

The Reason For the Beginning

The reason for me starting this blog is for my family and friends to have an idea of what I get up to, have been up to and what I intend to get up too.

A very dear friend of mine has a few really good blog sites going and, while talking about them suggested I get one up and running. So, with her help, here we go… :-)

Plus, as a motivating kick in the ass, the wife of another best mate emailed me saying, and I quote, ‘Vaughan, you are a sh*t friend, when you going to get in touch!’ (Or something very close to those lines) Seriously – that is how bad I am lol

Well Tinks ;-) Here we go… You get the credit for giving me the incentive to get this started…

And Tirzah, a very, very big thanks for all the help you have given me to start this up…

Cheers x

BUT: I don’t just want this to be a one-way thing. If any of you have any ideas, comments and suggestions or just plainly think something is crap, get involved. It’ll be much appreciated… Unless the latter, then some people may be stopping in to give you a ‘friendly’ visit…So any bad or crappy comments, please include your home address… lol ;-)

This is not going to be in any chronological order either, I could update with something from today, 25 years ago (wow!), 5 years ago or something for tomorrow but not posted yet?! Hmmm… Like a box of chocolates, eh. You don’t know what you’re going to get next… (to quote something from somewhere…) Yea, I know where its from… Doesn’t everyone…

Well, I guess it really has begun now...


Tirz said...

Well, well, well! Has it actually started??!! Can it actually be true? Awesome buddy! Excited that you finally have this up and running. Will be good fun keeping up with your life through this. Take care x

Unknown said...

I've been creditted with a few kicks up the you-know-where! hehehe Good site, sure Rolf will love to read it from time to time! Keep it up hey? Otherwise I might have to send someone around to kick your butt for real!! xxx Tinks x

Vaughan said...

Hi guys
Yep, its true, finally started. lol
Took a while but got there in the end - and I think I may just have the motivation to keep it running **afraid of Tinks' butt kicking** ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, I have to give a shit comment, that way you will have to come over here to throw me a beating and then you can see Donna. Good Idea hey.
Good on ya for doing the site and good luck with keeping it updated.
Brian Glass

Vaughan said...

lol Brian - too true, on my way wiv BIG stick haha
And lotsa hugs (for my Sis...of course) :-)
Looking fwd to watching the V8 NZ racing...! Oh Yea!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....nice thought. Yeah, your mate is quite right, you are not the best at staying in touch. We love you anyway though! I can't believe you actually used to write me letters when I was in school in Kenya! Letters laced with steak juice from the country club just to make me jealous! You always did have a mean streak! Anyway, it was so good having long chats with you on skype, although I was cussing you the next day when I had to go to work. By the way, you left "Phone" off the name list. Also "Vangman" was a popular name for you too. This could be fun if you stick with it.

Cheers mate and STAY IN TOUCH !!!

Brian S (Brain)

Vaughan said...

Hey 'Brain'
Yep - can still remember how good that steak was, while you were being fed that boarding school 'food' (I think that's wot they used to call it?) lol
Hmmm, forgot them two names - added for next time...
Will call you again soon, by the way, you working tomorrow? Ok Good, will call you tonight then... ;-)
Cheers bud

Anonymous said...

Hey Big Brother. Nice blog - there's no hiding from us now! So when you gonna come see us down in Sunny S.A.? That'll give you some interesting stuff to blog about (that is, if you manage to get out of this country in one piece!)

Good Luck with the blog and stuff!


Vaughan said...

Hi Little Sis, Hope to be there in the next few weeks, I NEED to be there in the next few weeks... lol
Hope to get there before you head to New Zealand...
Looking forward to some real sun altho it is still quite cold there still?